Environmental Science

  • Environmental science students studying on a boat
  • Environmental science students hands on learning outdoors
  • The future of food with President Houshmand
  • Senior Environmental Science student Mackenzie Weaver shares her research about formation and landfall behavior of North Atlantic hurricanes in a warmer climate at the Rutgers Climate Symposium

Environmental Science

The Department of Environmental Science

The Department of Environmental Science (EVSC) focuses on:

  • Education, to train future scientists and make environmental literacy a part of a liberal arts education at Rowan University
  • Research, to expand what we know about the world we live in
  • Communication, so our scientific advances are accessible to everyone
  • Science application, to aid society in addressing and adapting to critical problems

We are committed to working with students from all backgrounds and fostering a learning environment that reduces or removes barriers that unequally impact students.

Undergraduate students can earn a BS in Environmental Science or a BA in Environmental Science with the Department. Minors are available in Environmental Science and Climate Science, and we offer an interdisciplinary CUGS in Marine Science.  Students interested in research internships or work study opportunities should contact Environmental Science faculty directly to inquire about openings. 

Our new Masters in Applied Environmental Science is now open for applications for Fall 2025!

This dynamic program is designed to equip students with hands-on field and practical experiences where you can combine your passion for the planet with a practical, career-oriented curriculum.  Whether you're aiming to make an impact in the public or private sector, this program will provide a gateway to career opportunities, including government, NGO's, and consulting companies.


Apply now to the MS in Applied Environmental Science


For more information about Environmental Science or its future expansion, please contact us! General questions can be sent to environmentalscience@rowan.edu. More specific questions can be answered by Environmental Science’s Founding Chair Dr. Beth Christensen at christensenb@rowan.edu.